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Master Thesis Defence of Emilio Barrachina Gascó

Emilio Barrachina Gascó

Hybrid wind, solar and storage power plant in electricity market.


In this thesis, a methodology is developed to bid in the day-ahead market for a wind-solar-storage based hybrid power plant with the objective to minimize variability. The input time series and forecast simulations are simulated in CorRES for two selected regions, one in Denmark (DK2) and another in Sweden (SE2). The efficacy of the developed methodology is analysed through the assessment of hybrid power plant forecast error computation.


Wednesday 5th August 14:00-14:30 (Danish/Spanish time)


Professor Poul Ejnar Sørensen and Researcher Kaushik Das from DTU Vindenergi

Professor Henrik Stiesdal from Stiesdal A/S


Jan Vedde, European Energy A/S

The defence is a part of the DTU Online Wind Energy Master. The part-time master programme is scheduled to take two to four years, making it possible for participants to study while working. The participants come from all over the world.

For more information, please contact Kaushik Das.

Online Microsoft Teams Meeting

Wednesday 5th August 14:00-14:30 (Danish/Spanish time). Registration needed. Please contact Kaushik Das ( to participate.

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